Pet Ownership for Older Adults

According to a survey done in 2019 by the American Pet Products Association 67% of Americans, just under 85 million people, own a pet. We see the value of companionship and compassion brought by pet ownership. Pet ownership has been associated with improved mental and cardiovascular health, among other benefits, as explored in THIS ARTICLE by Harvard Medical School. the Harvard Medical School article also explore some risks to pet ownership we find important to consider. We have gathered several resources to help guide your decision to get a pet and the benefits and risks of pet ownership. THIS ARTICLE from the CDC dives into questions and topics to consider when looking to get a pet for a loved one who is older. The side panel of this article also offers additional educational resources and information regarding pet ownership from the CDC. The Eastern Shore has many opportunities to get active with a pet, and many avenues for pet ownership. Ocean City’s Northside Park has several paved, pet-friendly trails to explore, and downtown districts in Cambridge, Kent Island, and St. Michaels have pet friendly areas. If you are interested in additional research on the benefits of pet ownership, we invite you to visit Pets For the Elderly’s Research section to explore more.