Dietary Guidelines to Increase Omega-3 Consumption

When talking about heart health it is impossible to go without mentioning Omega-3 fatty acids. Many people look to supplements (such as fish oil) to lower their risk for fatal heart attacks. This method is effective, however it is not the only way to provide such vital nutrients to your body. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) has a fantastic article detailing the variety of foods that provide varying levels of Omega-3’s in a more natural way. The article, which includes a comprehensive study of the benefits of an Omega-3 rich diet, can be found by CLICKING HERE.

We are fortunate to live in an area such as the Eastern Shore, where we have access to fresh fish, farm raised eggs and vegetables, and local beef options (all of which are great sources of Omega-3). From Grasonville to Berlin, take advantage of the foods our area has to offer to stay healthy!